Saturday, July 02, 2011


A very wise Italian film director named Federico Fellini once said,"I discovered that what's really important for a creator isn't what we vaguely define as inspiration or even what it is we want to say, recall, regret, or rebel against. No, what's important is the way we say it. Art is all about craftsmanship. Others can interpret craftsmanship as style if they wish. Style is what unites memory or recollection, ideology, sentiment, nostalgia, presentiment, to the way we express all that. It's not what we say, but how we say it, matters."

Style in its finest sense is how we express our inner being outwardly. It's the total combination of the way you dress, talk, move your body, or do anything for that matter. Though it is commonly use to describe one's fashion or outer appearance, it is more of how we express ourselves. This includes all of our thoughts, emotions, interests, and values. Everything on the outside is merely a reflection of what's on the inside because "FASHION IS EXPRESSION," as simple as that. 

The vital truth I find with style is this simple rule. "Wear what you like." Buy what you like. Don't shop with a list in your head created by so-called style gurus, with a constant niggling of different over-priced foreign fashion brands. Don't restrict yourself to labels. Don't abide to titles. So what if I own something by Adidas and something by Prada? Most of the time we only have a single chance to draw people in and make one lasting impression. A man must always appear as a work of art or at least wear a work of art. Create that first impression magical & do it with style.

This is what style for me and this is my own style & fashion blog. It's all about how to get great fashion, on how to maximize one's wardrove and how to live life in style. The best part...doing it all while paying less and living life to the fullest. Style doesn't need to be expensive because there are other facets of our daily life that can allow us to live stylishly. It is a true mindset, one that is ever-prevalent once committed to. Style isn’t about trendy or what’s in; it’s about how you perceive your life and how you approach it, even on a tight budget. As the MonseurYves Saint Laurent want us to remember, "Fashion fade, style is eternal ."

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