Sunday, August 21, 2011


One of the perks of being a part of an institution is that you get invited to major events, no need for an invitation written on fancy paper / constant verbal reminder,  as well as the need to R.S.V.P... You're always expected to come. That Saturday night, in lieu of any actual social life of my own, I took part vicariously through my third organization's acquaintance party.

Three hours and two plates of beef mushroom later, I decided to call it a night. Sometimes oxfords, ties and dress trousers are just another Saturday night until you walk away and being given a real-life multiple choice question. A. Go home and get a good night's sleep, B. Go home, change and bar-hop with friends or C. Go home & be a couch potato.

They say every action has an equal reaction and once something is set in motion, it can't help but build momentum. Correct guess my dear friends, I've chosen item B and above was the complete look that I decided  to rock that night when me and my friends went bar hopping.

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